There’s no mercy for the bitter kind

Sophie Zelmani

Tell that poor thing to open his eyes
Tell him to open the door to his house
Tell him the sun is shining outside
And the stars spark brightly almost every night

Ich bin immer spätestens 330 wach. Aber fit und ausgeschlafen. Die Welt ist schön, so früh morgens. Ich schaue mir den Himmel, die Sterne an, und denke mir: 200 Milliarden Galaxien! Jede mit 200 Milliarden Sonnensystemen! Wozu ist das alles gemacht? Wozu? Es wird auf ewig für uns unerreichbar bleiben. So wie Du leider für mich.

Tell him some flowers already have grown
Tell him the ice broke this afternoon
Tell him fishermen are out there to catch

Tell him fishermen are out there to catch

Tell him there are lovers so hungry to match

Tell him there are lovers so hungry to match

Ask that poor thing if he is alright
Ask him why he is so eager to fight

Ask him why he is so eager to fight

Ask him how many years that have gone
And ask him why he hasn’t moved on

Warned that poor thing about who’s gonna pay
Mourning about the danger in his ugly way
And tell him that some smokes are too good to ignore

And tell him that some smokes are too good to ignore

Tell him there are some flavours you could be born for
Ask him why yelling don’t reach his mind
Tell him there’s no mercy for the bitter kind

Tell him there’s no mercy for the bitter kind
Noch bist du da
Wirf deine Angst
in die Luft
ist deine Zeit um
wächst der Himmel
unter dem Gras
fallen deine Träume
ins Nirgends
duftet die Nelke
singt die Drossel
noch darfst du lieben
Worte verschenken
noch bist du da
Sei was du bist
Gib was du hast
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